Third time is a charm. This is the third time I've tried to blog but this time I am approaching things differently and taking the pressure off. I want to use this space to write my thoughts about motherhood and art and how community building among moms can build positive spaces and foster growth and opportunities. I’ll post my thoughts here when I feel led to share.
My name is Allison and I am a wife and mama of two boys. I am a mother who is also an artist. I have other titles and passions. But I consider myself to be an abstract painter and collage artist. I paint feelings in a colorful and non-representational manner.
The first time I attempted blogging was about 6 years ago in anticipation of pregnancy with my first child. I had every attempt to write about my journey with an MS (Multiple Sclerosis) diagnosis and pregnancy and resources I found about pregnancy and MS. The pregnancy part happened sooner than I expected and a blog just never got off the ground.
Fast forward, and I am again thinking about Art Motherhood and Community. More than buzz words. It is a topic I have written about before and today I return. I am fascinated with the intersections and I cannot seem to shake that feeling.
I am fascinated with mothers who are artists in some capacity. Crafting, fine arts, digital arts, makers, builders, poets, photographers, writers, singers... art is so broad and meaningful in this regard.
But what I am fascinated with is exploring what motherhood brings to the creative practice. How you practice, how you manage your art making. The way you think about your art.
And the sheer beauty of the practice of art making along side little ones. Looking at the world through their creative eyes. Helping them see new things.
And I am so intrigued by sharing a journey with other mothers who are artists. Who are actively capturing all of the pieces of their lives and hearts and who, like me, want to commune with others about the unity of these pieces and the joy of the journey.
So I am building plans for this space to talk about these things and to explore this world. It is nothing fancy, I just have things to say.